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The best way to address the future…
Is to create it now

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Protective Executive 10-Year Term (E10)

Sister program to Executive UL (EUL)

Valuable provisions for E10

  • 10-year guaranteed level premiums
  • Guarantee Issue type program: no exams, no bloodwork
  • Up to $5,000,000 per person (some restrictions apply)
  • Portable
  • Increases for salary indexed designs
  • Easy, logical admin procedures
  • D&E response time – 2nd to none

Available to quote now – premium lower than competitors!
Dye & Eskin, Inc. will quote both E10 and EUL now: no reason to look at other plans!

Contact your BGA or Protective RVP (or D&E) for additional information.

Protective Executive UL (EUL)


  • Guarantee Issue Type Life Insurance
  • Minimum lives: 15
  • Up to $5,000,000 Death Benefit per life (some restrictions apply)
  • Data Security: Multi-factor Authentication
  • ExtendCare Rider: Chronic illness rider: Accelerates Death benefit for loss of 2 ADLs or cognitive impairment

Last 5 EUL/E10 cases sold (in April 2024)

  1 2 3 4 5
Lives 21 58 70 137 25
Annual Premium 43K 28K 182K 146K 37K

It’s time to get involved with EUL and E10. Contact your BGA, the Protective RVP, or Dye & Eskin, Inc. We’re all on the same team looking to help your success.

Dye & Eskin, Inc. (D&E) – Administrator for Protective Executive UL (EUL) & Protective Executive 10-Year Term (E10)


…we love being vetted…

Why? Because once a Client Firm hears about the D&E Data Security platform and our brain trust, they will feel comfortable — with all that is D&E.

Independence: D&E is the only independent TPA in the guaranteed issue type life carve out space.

Experience Matters…

Sales: Rick & Jake Eskin; nationally known seasoned professionals to BGAs, Agents, & Client Firms.

Data Security: Cara Coleman; nationally known prolific scholar.

Operations: Eric Lester; nationally known subject authority.

Marketing/Communications: Nancy Bosley; nationally known experienced veteran.

Administration: LaWan Rice, Shonda McFarland and other D&E personnel.

The seven (7) people noted above: 200 years of experience!

[ Our Solutions ]

Protective Executive UL (EUL)

Protective Executive 10-Year Term (E10)

Multi-life, guaranteed issue type, carve out program.

  • Corporate paid
  • For a segment of highly compensated employees
  • Up to $5,000,000 death benefit per employee (some restrictions apply)
  • Individual UL chassis, low, increasing premiums (EUL); or Guaranteed level premiums for 10 years (E10)
  • Fully portable
  • ExtendCare option (EUL, only)

Learn More


Multi-life, guaranteed issue type, excess disability insurance program

A-List Term

Important Notification: Program Changes.

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Innovators. Educators. Advocates.

Generational knowledge and a passion to create original solutions ensure our team’s continuity.

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Ingenuity beyond policy.
Security beyond compromise.

Our consultation, education, and forward-looking guidance help you deliver victories for your valued clients.

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