No doubt there is head scratching about anyone titling an article with a date that doesn’t appear to jump off the page with historical significance.
The fact is that in 1953 many significant achievements came to fruition that continue to impact quality of life:
- Jonas Salk announced the development of the Polio Vaccine
- The chemical structure of DNA was discovered
- Jacques Cousteau published “The Silent World”
- General Motors unveiled the Corvette
One other achievement of 1953, certainly less heralded, but no less impactful, was the crediting of the concept of “Brainstorming” to Alex Osborn the co-founder of BBDO, the worldwide marketing communications network. His goal was to formalize the creative process of coming up with ideas.
Brainstorming is a creative technique where a group of people interact to suggest ideas spontaneously. The volume and variety of ideas are stressed. The goal is to problem solve through a group effort with ideas just popping up.
Post-It Notes and the iPhone both originated from brainstorming sessions.
The first rule of brainstorming is to come up with as many ideas as possible. It is a quantity over quality exercise.
The second rule is to refrain from judging ideas during the process.
The third rule is to encourage even the most unconventional and illogical ideas.
Finally, everyone should be allowed to build upon other’s ideas.
At Dye & Eskin, Inc. we recognize the incredibly fast-paced nature of the employee benefits business. Innovation is not optional, but rather is required to separate ourselves from others in the field.
We embrace innovation and love brainstorming to bring critical ideas and process changes our clients have come to expect.
Brainstorming is a business way of life for us. Call us to discuss the ideas that are on your mind, and we will share what’s on ours. Together we will come up with great solutions.
Dye & Eskin, Inc.
Call Rick or Jake Eskin for an innovative discussion of topics on your mind.
703 556 0744